Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Fun Blocks

Got two more blocks last week!  Hope I tag them right>>EEEK
Need to iron them all, but wanted to get them up for everyone to see!

 Darling house From Sarah, Love the polka dot roof!

 Super cute house From Tanya, love the off center door!  My husband saw me open this one and he was like" the roof is crooked"  I laughed and said that is the way it is supposed to be WONKY! He acted like he understood, but he is Mr. orderly... so pretty sure he didn't get it!


  1. glad you like it! It was hard for me to be wonky...i really wanted it to be that way...

  2. Mr. Orderly. That is so my husband too. Ihate that he scrutinizes the pictures on the wall, knick knacks, stacks of books, draping afghans....
    Sheeesh, can't a girl just be artsy?
